How to Save Water: Water Conservation Tips for Your Home
Water is the most essential component for sustaining life, next to air. Water is a limited resource that will result in shortages in the near future if we don't do a better job reducing waste. Water conservation may go a long way toward assisting you manage these impending water scarcity problems.
At home, there are many ways we can all do our part and save water. If you're serious about water conservation, keep reading to learn how to save water.
Why Is Water Conservation Important?
Water is a need of life. Water covers 71 percent of the Earth's surface, yet several regions of the world are experiencing a severe water scarcity. People believe water to be an inexhaustible resource. The reality, however, is that water is a finite resource that depletes quickly if not properly conserved.
Preserving water has become critical due to new challenges to plant and animal species diversity caused by global warming and climate change. To guarantee the future supply of water, conservation efforts are required.
Home Water-Saving Tips
Here are 22 simple ways you can start saving water today in the home, and reduce your monthly water bill.
1. Take Quick Showers
I know what you're thinking...sometimes a long shower feels just right. But think about all of that water that is going down the shower drain. Did you know a typical shower uses five to ten gallons of water a minute? Keep your shower brief, and you'll see your water usage shrink.
2. Consider Low Flow Shower Head or Flow Restrictors
If you want to save water, then you need to consider using efficient shower heads or flow restrictors. By doing this, you can easily reduce the water flow rate without affecting your showering experience. There are many different types of efficient shower heads or flow restrictors available in the market, so make sure to choose the one that suits your needs the best.
3. Check Toilets for Leaks
If you have a toilet that constantly runs or leaks, it could be costing you a fortune in water bills. Toilets can develop leaks over time from corrosion, mineral deposits, or even just loose bolts. It’s important to check your toilets regularly for any signs of a leak, and to have any repairs made as soon as possible.
If you think your toilet might be leaking, there are a few simple tests you can do at home to check. First, put a few drops of food coloring into the tank of the toilet (the part that holds the water). If after 30 minutes the water in the bowl of the toilet has changed colors, you have a leak.
Related Post: Why Won't My Toilet Stop Running?
4. Insert a Plastic Bottle in Your Toilet Tank
If your toilet is constantly running, try this simple fix: insert a plastic bottle filled with water into your toilet tank. The water will displace some of the water in the tank and reduce the amount that is needed to fill it back up after each flush. This simple change can save you hundreds of gallons of water each year! If the toilet tanks in your home are large enough, you could install two bottles.
5. Take A Bath
How often do you take a bath? Once a week? Every other day? Every day? No matter how often you bathe, there are ways to conserve water and save money on your water bill. A partially filled bathtub will use less water than all but the shortest showers.
6. Check Faucets and Pipes for Leaks
If you have any faucets or pipes that are leaking, it's important to get them fixed as soon as possible. Not only will this help you save water, but it can also help you avoid costly repairs down the road. To check for leaks, simply turn on all the faucets in your home and look for any drips. If you see any, be sure to have them fixed as soon as possible.
7. Turn Off Faucet While Brushing Teeth
Next time you brush your pearly whites, you can conserve water by turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth. Did you know that if everyone in the United States turned off the water while brushing their teeth, we could save over 260 billion gallons of water per year! That’s enough water to supply the state of California for over two months! Instead, wet your toothbrush and fill a glass for rinsing your mouth.
8. Turn Off Faucet While Shaving
One of the easiest ways to save water is to turn off the faucet while you're shaving. The better option is filling the bottom of the sink with a few inches of warm water in which to rinse your razor. A running faucet can waste up to four gallons of water per minute, so even a few minutes of shaving can add up quickly. If you're worried about forgetting to turn off the water, consider investing in an automatic shut-off valve that will do it for you.
Related Post: How to Clean Your Bathroom Sink Drain
9. Keep Bottles of Drinking Water in the Refrigerator
When temperatures rise, we all want to cool down as quickly as possible. But instead of running the tap water until it is cold enough to drink, try keeping a few bottles of water in the fridge. That way, you can have refreshingly cold water on hand at all times without wasting any water.
10. Don't Run Water In Kitchen Sink Doing Dishes
One way to avoid water waste is to avoid running water when you don’t need it. For example, when you’re doing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run while you’re scrubbing the dishes. Fill up the sink with soapy water and then turn off the faucet while you scrub. When you’re finished scrubbing, turn on the faucet to rinse the dishes. This simple change can save a lot of water over time.
11. Compost to Reduce Garbage Disposal Use
Using your disposal too much can lead to garbage disposal repairs. Make sure that compost is not contaminated by septic waste. Eggshells or leftovers can be easily sorted out in a compost bin without any faucet. Composter is a fully customizable, home-made project which provides healthy soil nutrition for your plants. Eventually these crumbly top soils increase the water retention capability of sandy soils which ultimately requires less water for your yard.
12. Only Run Dishwasher Fully Loaded
Dishwashers typically use less water and energy than washing dishes by hand. However, you can save even more water and energy by only running the dishwasher when it is full. If your dishwasher is not large enough to accommodate all of your dishes at once, try washing smaller loads more frequently. This will help you save water and energy without adding any extra time or effort to your dishwashing routine. This can also help prolong its lifespan.
13. Use Washing Machine On Full Loads Only
While washing machines are very efficient, they can still use a lot of water and energy if not used properly. A washing machine can run through 30 to 35 gallons per cycle. One way to conserve water and energy is to only wash full loads of clothes. This means that you should only put as many clothes in the washing machine as can fit comfortably. While it may be tempting to wash a smaller load to save time, you will actually end up using more water and energy in the long run.
Another way to conserve water and energy when using a washing machine is to use cold water instead of hot water. Hot water requires more energy to heat up and will also cause your clothes to shrink more. Cold water is just as effective at cleaning clothes and will save you money on your energy bill.
14. Plant Drought-Resistant Lawns & Trees
Drought-tolerant trees and plants have deep roots that help them access water during dry periods. When you’re planning your landscape, consider adding some of these water-wise trees and plants:
Coast Live Oak
Canyon Live Oak
Blue Gum Eucalyptus
Eastern Red Cedar
Western Redbud
Common Hackberry
Golden Rain Tree
15. Use Mulch in Your Landscaping
Mulch is a material, usually organic, that you spread over the surface of the soil in your landscape. It helps conserve water by reducing evaporation from the soil surface and can also help prevent weed growth. A thick layer of mulch (3 to 4 inches) is best for water conservation. Use mulch around trees, shrubs, and in flower beds. Be sure to pull mulch back from the base of trees and shrubs so that it doesn't touch the trunk or stems.
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16. Water Grass Sparingly
Water your grass only when it shows signs of wilting, and do so early in the morning or later in the afternoon to minimize evaporation. In hot weather, you may need to water daily. Use a sprinkler with an adjustable nozzle to avoid watering the sidewalk or street. A simple way to check whether your lawn needs water is to step on it. If it springs back up when you walk on it, it doesn’t need water. But if it stays flat, it’s time to give it a drink.
17. When You Water Your Lawn, Give It A Soak
It's easy to overwater your lawn. In fact, most people do it without even realizing it! If you're guilty of this common gardening mistake, don't worry – you can easily fix it. The key is to water your lawn deeply and less often. This may seem counterintuitive, but it's actually the best way to keep your grass healthy and green.
18. Water Lawn Overnight
If you water your lawn overnight, you'll save water and your lawn will look just as green. Watering at night also helps reduce evaporation, so your lawn will stay hydrated longer. Plus, you won't have to worry about the sun burning your grass during the hottest hours of the day.
19. Sweep Driveways and Patios
Broom driveways and patios are a great way to conserve water and time. By using a broom to sweep your driveway or patio, you can remove debris without having to use a hose or power washer. This will save you both water and time, and it will also help to keep your outdoor spaces looking clean and tidy.
20. Your Irrigation System Isn't a Water Park
We all love spending time at water parks. They're a great way to cool off on a hot day and have some fun. But your irrigation system isn't a water park. Unfortunately, this practice is water wasteful and should be prohibited. It's there to water your lawn and plants, not provide entertainment for the neighborhood kids. If you see kids playing in your sprinklers or turning them on and off, tell them to stop. Not only are they wasting water, but they could also damage your system.
21. Turn Hose Off Washing The Car
To save water when washing your car, simply turn the hose off while you soap up your vehicle. You can turn it back on to rinse the suds away. This simple tip can save you several gallons of water each time you wash your car!
22. Collect Rainwater in a Rain Barrel
A rain barrel is a great way to save water and money. It collects rainwater from your roof and stores it in a barrel for future use. This can be used to water your garden or lawn, wash your car, or even top off your pool. Plus, it's an easy and environmentally friendly way to conserve water.
ARS/Rescue Rooter Can Help You Preserve Water in Your House
Conserving water is so vital to prolong human life as well as other forms of life on our planet. From tankless water heaters to high-efficient toilet and plumbing fixtures to garbage disposal repair and leaky pipe repairs, the certified plumbers at ARS/Rescue Rooter can make the necessary fixes and installations to help make water-saving measures to your plumbing system.
You can find your nearest location or schedule service online to start saving money today.