Whole-house air purifiers are becoming an increasingly popular component of the heating and cooling systems in many homes. Wondering why? Check out the benefits below!
CONTINUE READINGYour central heating and cooling system consists of two main parts: an outdoor condensing unit which processes refrigerant and expels warm indoor air — and an indoor air handler unit which conditions and circulates air throughout your home.
CONTINUE READINGYour air conditioner is the hardest working appliance during the summer months, so don’t forget to schedule preventative maintenance to keep it operating efficiently. If it hasn’t been serviced since last summer (or longer) —you may find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation when the temperature rises.
CONTINUE READINGThe summer months can be uncomfortable for pets and people alike, but things can get especially sticky in areas that are hit with the double whammy of extreme temperatures and storm-caused power outages
CONTINUE READINGIt’s starting to warm up! Before we know it, we’ll be turning on our air conditioners for relief from the heat. Here are 7 cool facts about air conditioners that you may not know!